How to Troubleshoot Common Problems With Your Industrial Vacuum?

Posted June 27, 2023

To troubleshoot common problems with your industrial vacuum, start by identifying the issue and checking for blockages. Proper maintenance and regular cleaning can prevent many problems from occurring.

Industrial vacuums are essential for keeping production facilities clean and safe, but they can sometimes experience issues that need to be resolved. From poor suction to strange noises, there are several problems that can arise. These can be caused by various reasons, such as blockages, worn-out parts, improper maintenance, and more.

Failure to address these issues can lead to damage to the equipment and decreased productivity. In this article, we will explore some of the most common problems encountered with Heavy Duty industrial vacuums and offer troubleshooting tips to get them back to optimal function. With the right approach, you can quickly identify and resolve the issue and keep your facility clean and safe.

Lack Of Suction

Causes Of Lack Of Suction

When your industrial vacuum lack of suction, there can be several potential causes. These include:

  • A clogged filter: Filters are designed to remove dust and other debris from the airstream as it passes through the vacuum. If the filter becomes clogged, it can reduce the amount of airflow, resulting in less suction.
  • Broken or disconnected hoses: Hoses conduct air between the vacuum and the nozzle. If a hose is snapped or detached, it will cause a loss of suction at the nozzle.
  • Faulty motor: The motor is the “heart” of your vacuum – it creates the suction that pulls dirt and debris into the machine. If the motor is damaged or worn, it may not generate enough suction.
  • Cracks in the vacuum’s housing: If there are cracks or leaks in the vacuum, it can reduce the exhaust air pressure and cause less suction.

Troubleshooting Tips For Lack Of Suction

If you’re facing a lack of suction in your industrial vacuum, here are some easy steps to troubleshoot:

Checking Filters And Hoses

  • Check your vacuum’s filters: Clear or replace any clogged filters, then check the airflow to see if it has improved.
  • Inspect the hoses: Check hoses for breaks or disconnections, making sure they are connected firmly to the intake and nozzle.
  • Clean the coils of the vacuum: Dirt, dust and debris can accumulate on the coils and reduce the airflow. Use a soft brush to clean the coils, being careful not to damage them.

Identifying Blockages

  • Check for blockages: One of the most common issues with any vacuum cleaner is that it gets clogged. Check the hose and nozzle for blockages, which can cause a lack of suction.
  • Clear the blockages: Use a straightened coat hanger or an unclogged hanger to gently remove any debris that may be stuffed in the hose or the nozzle. Make sure to unplug the vacuum before doing this.

By following these simple tips, you can get your industrial vacuum back to making your job easier and cleaner.

Noisy Operation

A noisy industrial vacuum can be frustrating and disruptive to work, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some causes and troubleshooting tips to help you solve the issue quickly.


  • Dust or debris buildup in the impeller fan
  • Worn or damaged bearings
  • A damaged motor
  • Loose or misaligned parts
  • Faulty installation

Troubleshooting Tips

Inspecting the impeller fan:

  • Turn off the vacuum and unplug it before starting any inspection.
  • Check the fan for any visible debris or buildup and clean it if necessary.
  • If the fan is clean, examine it for any damage, such as cracks or chips.
  • Replace the fan if it is damaged beyond repair.

Checking the motor and bearings:

  • Disconnect the vacuum from the power source and open the motor compartment.
  •  Check the bearings for any signs of wear or damage.
  •  If the bearings are worn or damaged, replace them.
  •  Examine the motor for any signs of damage or overheating.
  •  If the motor is damaged, have it repaired or replaced by a professional?

Ensuring tightness and alignment of parts:

  • Check all the screws, bolts, and nuts and ensure that they are tight and in place.
  •  Align any misaligned or loose parts and make sure that everything fits perfectly.
  •  Check the vacuum bag and ensure that it is installed correctly.

By using these troubleshooting tips, you can easily diagnose and fix the noisy operation of your industrial vacuum. Keep your vacuum maintained regularly to avoid future issues.


If you’re experiencing issues with your industrial vacuum overheating, there are several potential causes, including problems with the cooling system or the vacuum motor. To help you troubleshoot and fix these issues, we’ve put together some useful tips and advice.

Causes And Troubleshooting Tips

Checking The Cooling System

  • Make sure the vacuum’s cooling system is working correctly.
  •  Check for blockages in the air intake vent and ensure the fan blades are clean and free of dirt and debris.
  •  Identify any issues with the cooling fan and replace it if necessary.
  •  Check the coolant levels and coolant pump to ensure they’re working correctly.
  •  If the cooling system continues to malfunction, consult with a professional technician.

Inspecting And Cleaning The Vacuum Motor

  • Check the vacuum’s motor for any signs of damage, overheating, or wear and tear.
  •  Ensure that the motor’s carbon brushes are in good condition.
  •  If there is an issue with the motor, check for signs of excessive heat or sparking.
  •  Clean the motor’s air ducts and vents and remove any dirt or debris that may be blocking it.
  •  Check the motor’s bearings and lubricate them if necessary.

By following these simple troubleshooting tips and techniques, you should be able to identify and fix any overheating issues with your industrial vacuum. Ensure you keep up with regular maintenance and inspections to prevent any problems from occurring in the future.

Losing Power

Industrial vacuums are necessary for cleaning industrial spaces and managing waste materials effectively. Like all machinery, these vacuums can run into a few issues with performance. One problem that owners sometimes encounter is the vacuum losing power. Here are the potential causes and troubleshooting tips for this problem.


  • Damaged cords or plugs: If the vacuum’s cord or plug is damaged, this could be the reason the vacuum is losing power. Over time, the cord may fray or split, leading to a broken connection.
  •  Clogged filters: Dust and debris can accumulate on the vacuum’s filters, reducing suction and causing the machine to lose power.
  •  Broken components: If a vacuum component, like the motor or fan, is broken, then the vacuum will not be able to perform at its full capacity.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Checking for damaged cords or plugs: Inspect the cords and plugs for any visible damage, such as frayed wires or exposed connectors. If you notice any damage, it is best to replace the cord or plug entirely.
  •  Inspecting the brush roll or beater bar: Sometimes, debris can get stuck in the brush roll or beater bar, causing the vacuum to lose suction. Always make sure that these components are clean and clear of any debris.
  •  Cleaning the filters: Regularly cleaning your vacuum’s filters can help maintain suction. Remove any visible debris from the filters and replace them if they are heavily clogged.

If these troubleshooting tips don’t solve the problem, it’s best to call a professional to have a more in-depth examination of your vacuum. By knowing the causes and troubleshooting tips for losing power in your industrial vacuum, you can quickly and efficiently solve the issue, saving yourself time and money in the long run.

Maintenance And Prevention

Importance Of Regular Maintenance

Maintenance is the key to extending the life of your industrial vacuum. Regular maintenance can save you time and money by preventing breakdowns and the need for costly repairs. Here are a few reasons why regular maintenance is important:

  • Regular maintenance reduces the likelihood of costly repairs.
  •  It ensures maximum efficiency so your vacuum works effectively.
  •  It helps to identify minor issues before they become major problems.
  •  Regular maintenance can help prolong the life of your industrial vacuum.

Tips For Prolonging The Life Of Your Industrial Vacuum

Proper maintenance is critical in extending the life of your industrial vacuum. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your vacuum:

  • Clean filters and bags regularly to avoid clogs and keep the vacuum working efficiently.
  •  Check the power cord regularly and replace it if damaged to avoid electrical hazards.
  •  Inspect the hoses and attachments regularly for signs of damage or wear and tear, replacing them as needed.
  •  Protect the vacuum from excessive heat or moisture to avoid corrosion or other damage.
  •  Keep the vacuum clean and free of debris to prevent clogs and ensure maximum efficiency.

Preventative Measures For Common Problems

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to your industrial vacuum. Here are a few things you can do to prevent common problems:

  • Invest in high-quality filters and bags to prevent dust and debris from accumulating in the vacuum.
  •  Use the correct attachments for the job to avoid damaging the vacuum or the surfaces you are cleaning.
  •  Train employees to use the vacuum properly to prevent misuse, which can lead to damage or malfunction.
  •  Schedule regular maintenance and inspections to identify and address minor issues before they become major problems.
  •  Consider seeking the assistance of a professional to troubleshoot and fix stubborn problems.

By following these tips and preventative measures, you can help to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your industrial vacuum. Regular maintenance and care are essential to keep your vacuum functioning at its best and to avoid costly repairs and downtime.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Troubleshoot Common Problems With Your Industrial Vacuum?

How Frequently Should I Replace The Filters In My Industrial Vacuum?

It depends on the usage and the type of filters. Generally, it is recommended to replace/pre-clean the filters after every 10 to 15 hours of usage. However, it’s advisable to read the manufacturer’s instructions for a better idea.

What Could Be The Reason Behind Low Suction In My Industrial Vacuum?

There could be several reasons, such as a clogged filter, a damaged hose, or a leaking motor fan. It’s best to inspect each part and troubleshoot accordingly to identify the root cause of low suction.

How Can I Fix The Problem Of My Industrial Vacuum Shutting Off On Its Own?

The most common reason for this is overheating due to blocked airflow. To fix it, turn off the vacuum and clean the filters, hoses, and any other parts that could be obstructing the airflow. If the problem persists, consult a professional.

How Often Should I Empty The Dust Container Of My Industrial Vacuum?

It’s recommended to empty the dust container after every use to avoid clogs and maintain optimum suction. However, if the vacuum is being used for heavy-duty tasks, it may need to be emptied more frequently.

How Can I Prevent My Industrial Vacuum From Emitting Foul Odor?

Regularly cleaning the filters, hoses, and dustbin can prevent unpleasant odours. Additionally, using a vacuum with a HEPA filter and utilizing odour-absorbing sachets in the dustbin can help in reducing bad smells.


It is important to know how to troubleshoot common problems with your industrial vacuum to ensure it is running at its best. By regularly checking and maintaining your vacuum, you can avoid costly repairs and downtime. Be sure to check for clogs in your hoses and filters, ensure the motor is functioning correctly, and check for any leaks in the system.

Keeping your vacuum clean and dry can also help prevent issues. Finally, it’s always a good idea to consult the manual for your specific model and to contact the manufacturer or a professional if you are unsure about any issues.

With these tips, you can keep your industrial vacuum running smoothly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on your work with peace of mind.